Bethel University Nursing Team

Just about a month ago, we had a visit from Bethel University in Mishawaka, IN. This team of Nursing students and Nurse Practitioners partnered with the Santiago Partnership to serve on a medical caravan. This caravan took place in Pisambilla, about 45 minutes from where the project is located in Cayambe. It is an indigenous community our teams work in on a community, family and individual level. It was beautiful to see so many working together from the community good. In the 2-day caravan, 99 patients were seen including women, children, men and young people. We are so grateful to see how the team volunteered at every turn to be involved, serve and pray for each patient. On Sunday, they attended a partner church and then were able to visit the Casa Hogar to play with the kids in the home and to get to know the project better!

A long-time supporter and collaborator, Mim Mast accompanied this team as a retired nursing instructor. She was such a welcome addition and it was lovely to get to reminisce about the beginning of the project as she was part of the initial prayer warriors before the project even started!

Thank you Bethel! We are SO grateful for your partnership and hope to see you back soon!

Joel & Kim Delp