+ Where does my money go?
Donations to the Santiago Partnership are used to support the Santiago Partnership’s trusted grantee partner(s). Contributions to the Santiago Partnership cannot be earmarked for specific purposes or include conditions or contingencies. Donations will be used to support the programs where funds are needed most, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Santiago Partnership. Each donation contributes to our work as a whole and directly impacts the underprivileged in Ecuador. Our U.S. Administrative Costs are only 6%.
+ Tax Deduction
The Santiago Partnership is a non-profit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 35-2474475). Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. For questions regarding donations or for more financial information, please contact us at info@santiagopartnership.org
+ Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency
GuideStar is an organization that gathers and disseminates a broad array of information about IRS-registered non-profit organizations. The Santiago Partnership has achieved the Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency, and our Candid Profile can be reviewed by clicking on the seal below.

+ Charity Navigator Rating
Charity Navigator is an organization that gathers and disseminates a broad array of information about IRS-registered non-profit organizations. The Santiago Partnership has earned a three star rating, and our Charity Navigator Profile can be reviewed by clicking on the seal below.

+ Can I donate by mail?
Yes. If you prefer, you can send a check or money order written out to The Santiago Partnership and send it to:
The Santiago Partnership
48245 Genesis Dr., Ste A ,
Coshocton, OH 43812
+ Receipt
For contributions made by mail you will receive a thank you and a tax deductible receipt via USPS mail. For contributions made on the Santiago Partnership website, you will receive an email thank you as well as a tax deductible receipt to your email at the time of your donation. All donors with multiple donations in the year will receive a year end statement summarizing their giving.