Beach Trip

The staff in Cayambe wanted to make a trip to the beach a possibliity for the children in the Home for At Risk Children. We decided that we wanted to take the children and all of the staff to the beach to reward them for their hard work as well as to make it be a big send off for the Delps as they transition to the United States. Most all of the children in the Home have never been to the beach even though it isn’t that far away. Additionally, some of the staff members have never seen the sea as well. We want to have a retreat for the staff and the children to be able to enjoy the beach together.

The Santiago Partnership has decided to support the FACE staff in achieving this dream. The budget for the trip is only $3,000. We will be receiving donations between now and the end of May (May 31st). Please designate your donation by selecting the campaign “Home for At Risk Children.” All of the donations given to the Home for At Risk Children between now and the end of the month will be designated for this initiative. Click below to donate.

(Any proceeds received above the needed $3,000 for the beach trip budget will be allocated to General Support.)

Joel & Kim Delp