Anniversary Celebrations

This past week we had a big celebration in Cayambe! We were able to celebrate 10 years of service in Cayambe, the 8 year anniversary of the Medical Clinic and the 7 year anniversary of the Home for At Risk Children. In addition, the staff revealed the new name for the project: Santiago. Now, the Home will be called in Spanish: Casa Hogar Santiago. The Clinic will be called Centro Medico Santiago. They decided to rename the ministries in this way so that way they are more fitting with their closest partner, the Santiago Partnerhip.

The day was beautiful with many important people arriving including the new president of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador, Christian Sani. We had many wonderful celebrative events that took place: a parade with a marching band and majorettes, live music with our partner music school who gives lessons to the kids in the Home, a dance put on by the kids in the Home and many speeches and other expositions by important people.

It was a day that we will never forget!

Joel & Kim Delp