Together We Thrive
Stories of Dignity
“Be devoted to each other in love and honor one another above yourself.” -Romans 12:10
God commands us to be committed to another’s good. Through our ministries, every day we connect with people who are in need of love and guidance. People like Lilianna…….
“I am a Mom of three children. For years I have lived in Cayambe. I came to this city because we heard that there was work. I worked in the flower plantations to help my mother with money because she had many health problems. Together with other family members, we moved here. I worked in the flower business for years, that’s where I met my ex-partner, and we started a family. After saving some money, I decided to have my own business, that was always my dream.
After a while, the business was working very well but one day, my partner decided to take all the money we earned and leave; I was left with nothing. Later he came back without the money, and I thought about my children and my family and gave him another chance. Unfortunately, my partner did not change and when I had earned quite a bit more money, he came back to steal from me. That day there was a lot of violence, beatings and confrontations. I decided it was not right for my children; they are very young and as a mom I could never risk the safety of my children. I am learning and working on my healing process, I have become more connected to my religion to seek progress. I continue with my business, but I also work in a factory because I am the only breadwinner for my children. I know that things will get better, and I am committed to make it happen.”
Stories of Dignity provide insight to struggles others face and their journey toward a more rewarding future. Doing so with respect, honor and dignity is a striving focus for us. Over the next several weeks we will be highlighting the impact happening in our communities; sharing hardships, courage, and hope. Help us create more Stories of Dignity by supporting our general ministry in Ecuador, as all our programs inspire life changing transformation. Your financial donation can make a real difference.