It has been over 12 years since the dream of starting a medical clinic and a home for at-risk children was born.  That dream is getting closer and closer and as of last week, the dream is becoming a reality.  Two work teams came down to help out with breaking ground for the first home for at-risk children.  Teams from Coshocton Christian Tabernacle and Pleasant Community Church both came down to help.  Construction started last Monday, August 4th.  In the afternoons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the team from Coshocton did children’s ministry in a small Quechua village called 4 Lote.  Tuesday through Friday, the team from Pleasant Community Church worked with the VBS at Iglesia Emanuel.

Day 1 of construction included getting organized for jobs and digging and evening the footers.

Day 2 The teams continued digging the last of the 28 deep footers and then poured the remaining 19 deep footers. In addition, 7 rebar columns were built and half of the block was laid for the tool shed.  The team from Pleasant Community Church also held a VBS and ministered to 200 kids in Cayambe!

Day 3: It was another busy day on Wednesday as the teams continued construction on the home. They built 9 more support columns, raised and cemented all 16 support columns, and laid the block for another section of the tool shed.  In the afternoon, the team from Pleasant Community Church again held a VBS for almost 200 children in Cayambe, and the team from Coshocton Christian Tabernacle ministered to children in Lote Cuatro.

Day 4:  Thursday found the teams finishing all but one of the remaining support columns, and then building forms and pouring cement for the first section of 10 columns. The remaining block was laid for the tool shed and the roof was started. The Pleasant Community Church team also continued the VBS for almost 200 kids from the Cayambe area!

Day 5: What an amazing week! The work teams from Coschocton Christian Tabernacle and Pleasant Community Church have accomplished so much and have been such a blessing.

On their final day of construction, they finished the tool shed, poured the last cement footer & 10 more column bases, and backfilled around the column bases that were poured on Thursday. What a great start for the home! The teams also finished up their week of children’s ministries in Cayambe and Lote Cuatro.

Click here to see pictures from the week:

Joel & Kim Delp